Mesa Ellsworth Northeast

Mesa Ellsworth Northeast

NEC Ellsworth Rd and Germann Rd
Mesa, AZ 85212

Mesa Ellsworth Northeast is a 1,568,160 sf (36 acres) parcel of vacant land in Mesa, Arizona. The land is bounded by Ellsworth Road on the west and Germann Rd on the south. The property is zoned for Light Industrial (LI) and is well-suited for industrial or business park uses.

Demographics 1 Mi. 3 Mi. 5 Mi.
Population 397 37,939 141,057
Daytime Population 171 16,918 62,740
Households 142 12,559 46,528
Avg HH Income ($) 129,787 132,167 124,285
Med HH Income ($) 111,309 118,309 108,441
Median Age 32.40 32.60 33.20
% College Educated 42.69 42.68 42.90

Contact Us:

Listing Broker - Mike Haenel

Phone: 602-224-4404


Listing Broker - Andy Markham

Phone: 602-224-4408
